study in US | Titles - Master

Master of Home Economics (M.H.E.)
Master of Hospitality Management (M.H.M.)
Master of Human Resources (M.H.R.)/Master of Human Resource Development (M.H.R.D.)/
Master of Science in Human Resources (M.S.H.R.)
Master of Individualized/Interdisciplinary Studies (M.I.S.)
Master of Information Resources Management (M.I.R.M.)
Master of Information Technology (M.I.T.)
Master of International Affairs (M.I.A.)
Master of International Business/Business Administration (M.I.B./M.I.B.A.)
Master of Industrial Design (M.I.D.)
Master of Journalism (M.J.)/Master of Arts/Science in Journalism (M.A.J./M.S.J.)
Master of Justice Administration (M.J.A.)
Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.Arch./M.L.A.)
Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Master of Comparative Law (M.C.L./LL.C.M.)
Master of Liberal Studies (M.L.S.)/Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (M.A.L.S.)*
Master of Library Science (M.L.S.)/Master of Science in Library Science (M.S.L.S.)/Master
of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.)
Master of Law Librarianship (M.L.L.)
Master of Management (M.M.)
Master of Manufacturing Management (M.M.M.)
Master of Marine Affairs (M.M.A.)
Master of Mass Communications (M.M.C.)
Master of Music (M.M./M.Mus.)
Master of Music Education (M.M.Ed.)
Master of Music Therapy (M.M.T.)
Master of Nursing (M.N.)/Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.)
Master of Nursing Administration (M.N.A./M.S.N.A.)

The Master of Liberal Studies or Master of Arts in Liberal Studies degree (*) is frequently awarded to graduates of programs in divisions of continuing or adult education. Despite the title, the content of this degree often corresponds to regular M.A., M.S. or professional master’s degree programs.

NOTE: This is only a partial list of such titles for informational purposes, not an exhaustive or official list.

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